The United States Forces stationed in Djibouti are complaining about been subjected to multiple laser attacks. This has prompted the...
Read moreDetailsFollowing aggressive protests in Accra the Ghanaians's capital, the president Nana Akufo-Addo has capitulated and will not set-up foreign military...
Read moreDetailsAccording to Reuter, the Canadian government plans to deploy troops and helicopters to Mali.Ottawa had earlier pledge to provide military...
Read moreDetailsAfter defending Nigeria, what next? Demobilization, Reward, or Radicalization? Doing nothing has always been the best course of action…. But...
Read moreDetailsWhen two of Africa's most powerful nations decides to come together, the whole of Africa is bound to benefit. “We...
Read moreDetailsU.S. Special Force soldier in the Frontlines in Cameroon Elements of the United States Special Force units was spotted...
Read moreDetailsThe Turkish Military has just inked the deal to open a massive military base in Somalia in the same region...
Read moreDetailsSAAF GripensAs the world economic situation worsens, South African Air Force (SAAF) was forced to keep some of its SAAB...
Read moreDetailsSouth African Nuclear Weapons Programme. When Nuclear bombs or Nuclear weapons is mentioned most people usually get the idea that...
Read moreDetailsthe United States and its British ally withdrew the visas of some top Nigerian Military officers citing their complicity in...
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