MONUSCO Wraps Up South Kivu Operation

Monusco in north kivu

© UNICEF/Guy Hubbard Peacekeepers escort a humanitarian convoy to the village of Pinga in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

As the year-end closure of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) looms ever larger, last two week saw MONUSCO wrap up and shut its Bukavu office, the operations nerve centre in South Kivu for over 20 years.

June 30 marked the completion of MONUSCO’s withdrawal from the province, signifying the end of the first phase of its withdrawal from the DRC.

At what MONUSCO termed a “high level event” to mark the Bukavu closure, the mission handed over a US$1.5 million new helipad and base at nearby Rutemba to the FARDC (Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo).

The South Kivu exit began in earnest in January and saw seven bases and/or facilities (Baraka, Bukavu, Bunyakiri, Kamanyola, Kavumu, Rutemba, and Sange) either closed or handed over to DRC government authorities. In addition to ceasing operations from these installations, the mission has ended operations from the Mikenge, Minembwe, and Uvira bases, which will be handed over to President Felix Tshisekedi’s government.

A 34-strong civilian team remains in South Kivu to assist UN agencies, funds, and programmes in maintaining community alert networks, child protection, and community dialogue.

MONUSCO’s efforts in South Kivu have provided direct protection to three million people, demobilised over 4,600 combatants, and destroyed more than 44,000 rounds of ammunition. Additionally, MONUSCO has assisted in multiple electoral cycles, moving 30 tons of electoral material in the province for last year’s presidential election, which saw Tshisekedi returned to office.

This significant transition marks a pivotal moment in the DRC’s journey towards self-reliance and stability, as MONUSCO continues to phase out its presence in the region.

As MONUSCO concludes its chapter in South Kivu, the focus shifts to the continued efforts of the United Nations to foster peace and stability in the DRC, while addressing the complex challenges that have long plagued the region.

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