South African Military Academy launches AI research unit

Defence Artificial Intelligence Research Unit (DAIRU)

Launch of Defence Artificial Intelligence Research Unit (DAIRU).

The South African Military Academy has indeed launched the Defence Artificial Intelligence Research Unit (DAIRU), marking a significant step in integrating AI into the nation’s defence strategy. This initiative is part of a broader movement to harness the capabilities of AI for national development and security, reflecting the global trend of incorporating AI into military operations.

According to defenceWeb, the DAIRU is set to play a crucial role in advancing South Africa’s military technology and operational efficiency, with a focus on areas such as cyber resilience, maritime and border security, and combating illicit trade. The unit will also contribute to the development of AI-driven technologies like drones, targeting systems, and image analysis, which are increasingly important in modern warfare.

This move aligns with the drafting of the African Union’s Continental AI Strategy and positions South Africa as a leader in AI innovation within the continent and globally. The collaboration between the government, academia, and the private sector is essential for the success of DAIRU, aiming to foster innovation and maintain technological superiority in the defence sector.

In his keynote address at the ceremony held on Friday 3 May, Mondli Gungubele, Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, remarked that the initiative is not just symbolic; it represents a strategic move towards leveraging AI for national development and security. He emphasised the transformative power of AI and its potential to revolutionise various sectors.

Gungubele said that AI is being rapidly adopted globally and has the potential to surpass human abilities. Artificial Intelligence crosses a broad spectrum, from Narrow AI, which excels in specific tasks, to General AI, which can outperform humans in intellectual tasks, and the theoretical realm of Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI).

“AI, akin to electricity or fossil fuels, has the potential to redefine modern militaries and reshape the global balance of power,” the Minister said.

Lieutenant General Michael Ramantswana, South African National Defence Force (SANDF) Chief of Staff, noted that the inauguration of the DAIRU marked a significant milestone for South Africa, reflecting the nation’s commitment to leveraging AI for military advancement and broader socio-economic growth.

“We do not just want to be consumers of the technology,” Ramantswana said. “The SANDF should also strive to innovate new artificial intelligence solutions.”

The establishment of DAIRU is a proactive approach to staying abreast of technological advancements and ensuring that the South African National Defence Force remains at the forefront of digital warfare preparedness. It’s a commitment to not only consuming but also innovating new AI solutions, with the potential to redefine modern militaries and reshape the global balance of power.

Collaboration with industry and academia is deemed essential for the success of the DAIRU, Ramantswana emphasised, enabling the SANDF to leverage expertise, share resources and accelerate progress in AI implementation.

“But make no mistake – success will require dedication and commitment. We must dedicate sufficient resources to this initiative to ensure that the SANDF and defence sector remain at the forefront of technological innovation in Africa and beyond,” he added.

Dr Moses Khanyile (Director: DAIRU) underscored the opportune timing of the event, aligning with the drafting of the African Union’s formulation of a Continental AI Strategy.

“The uneasy peace that has been in existence between the superpowers for the last seven decades is directly attributable to the possession of nuclear weapons,” Khanyile noted. “However, the discovery of artificial intelligence technology has ignited a new global digital arms race.”

This has far-reaching implications if left unregulated and he emphasised the imperative for oversight.

“As things stand,” Khanyile told the assembled dignitaries, “there is no consensus on the rules of the game, how AI should be regulated, both as dual-use technology and as an asset to humanity.” This sentiment encapsulates the urgency and complexity surrounding AI governance.

The SANDF has already established a cyber command within the Defence Intelligence Division and the Space Command Section within the South African Air Force and these capabilities need continuous flows of highly skilled AI practitioners, such as those produced by the DAIRU.

This includes research and development on AI capacity, strengthening the country’s cyber resilience, improving maritime and border security, combating illicit trade and trafficking and boosting the SANDF’s operational efficiency on and off the battlefield.

In modern warfare, AI can assist human decision-making processes by rapidly processing vast amounts of data from diverse sources. Specific applications include AI-driven drones, targeting systems and image analysis, which have already demonstrated their value in military operations. AI can also be leveraged to counter disinformation, enhance cybersecurity, and predict/prevent cyber-attacks.

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