Two guns, destined from the beginning of creation to forever be mortal enemies. Okay, that’s a bit dramatic, but the AR-15 vs. AK-47 debate has been around for decades, so I don’t plan on solving it for everyone with this article.
However, by the end of the article, you will know which platform is right for you.
So let’s head to the range.
What is an Assault Rifle?
Assault Rifle definition, according to Britannica, is a “military firearm that is chambered for ammunition of reduced size or propellant charge and that can switch between semiautomatic and fully automatic fire.”
Let’s start with the basics the mainstream media and anti-2A groups love to get wrong. “AR” in AR-15 does not stand for “assault rifle” but for Armalite Rifle. The vast majority of civilian-owned AR-15s are not assault rifles because they’re not capable of firing fully automatic.
With that said, the AR-15, or more accurately, the M16 and AK-47, come in fully automatic variations, so both are considered assault rifles. These are the firearms used mainly by militaries worldwide, and civilians have restricted access to them.
What is an AR-15?
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle designed in the 1950s by Eugene Stoner in the US. It is primarily chambered in 5.56mm or .223, but other calibers are increasing in popularity.

This platform is a favorite amongst gun enthusiasts because of the customizability of the average rifle. However, it was not a favorite of soldiers during the Vietnam War, as it was prone to jamming when exposed to mud and other debris common to battlefields.
The design was improved after enough complaints of malfunctions were made, and it’s now one of the most reliable and widely used firearms by militaries across the globe.
What is an AK-47?
The AK-47 was designed in the 1940s by Mikhail Kalashnikov in the Soviet Union. It’s chambered in 7.62x39mm and is a favorite of many armies.

The AK-47 is known for being incredibly reliable and easy to operate and clean. The gun’s design allows it to function in the worst conditions, from jungles to deserts and snow-blown fields. It’s said, “It is so easy to field strip and operate that a child can do it.”
Now that we know the basics of each rifle let’s talk about which outshines the other in five essential categories: accuracy, effective range, reliability, weight, and reloadability.
The accuracy of each rifle depends on the shooter; however, when we put these guns in the hands of capable shooters, which one is more accurate?
The AR-15 is more accurate.
Since AR-15s often shoot smaller caliber rounds, they have less recoil, which allows the shooter to be more accurate.
The gun itself is also designed and machined much more precisely, so in the end, the person pulling the trigger can be more accurate.
However, AK-47s aren’t inaccurate, just less accurate than an AR-15.
One point for the AR-15.
Effective Range
At close distances, anything 300 yards or less, the AK-47 is tough to beat because it has more stopping power and is reasonably accurate in this range. But when we start to push past 400 yards, the AK-47 begins to decline in effectiveness drastically.
On the other hand, the AR-15 has an effective range of 600 yards. This is partly thanks to the smaller 5.56 projectile traveling at a higher velocity. However, it lacks the knockdown power of the larger 7.62 projectile at any distance.
Another point for the AR-15.
We’ve already briefly discussed the reliability of each rifle, and the AK-47 had the upper hand on the battlefield for several years.
However, the AR-15 has proven reliable in nearly all situations and battlefields in recent years.
I’m still giving this one to the AK-47 since it was reliable from the start and doesn’t need to be cleaned as often as the AR-15.
One point for the AK-47.
Standard Weight
Due to the customizability of an AR-15, its weight can and will quickly increase once you begin adding a scope, red dot sight, forearm grip, and any other number of attachments you consider necessary.
That’s why we’re comparing standard weight. The standard weight is the average weight of the firearm with only iron sights.
A standard AR-15 weighs up to 8.5 pounds, whereas a classic AK-47 weighs 9.5 pounds with an empty mag. While a pound doesn’t seem like much, it can add up, considering it could be a pound of spare ammo you carry instead of dead gun weight.
I also tried to overestimate the average weight of an AR-15, so many will be 7.5 pounds or less. In many cases, the AR-15 will be more than 20% lighter than the AK-47.
The American-designed AR-15 gets another point.
The average target shooter wouldn’t consider how easy the gun is to reload. Still, in a combat situation, reloadability can be the difference between keeping your buddies alive or attending a funeral. Less importantly, reloadability can make or break your day during a competition.
Both firearms use magazines to store and load their respective rounds. The difference lies in how quickly and easily a shooter can drop the mag and insert another.
To reload the AK-47, the shooter must release the lever and rock the magazine to remove it from the gun, then grab another mag and rock it into place. The process isn’t complicated, with a bit of practice.
To reload the AR-15, the shooter simply pushes the release button, and the mag falls out of place as the shooter grabs another magazine and inserts it into the gun.
The AR-15 is easier to reload; therefore, another point for the AR-15. If you’ve been keeping track, that’s 4 points for the AR-15 and 1 point for the AK-47.
However, this comparison isn’t over yet!
Other Differentiating Factors
A few other factors often help gun enthusiasts choose one platform over the other: price, availability, ergonomics, and rate of fire. Let’s discuss them in more detail below.
Unless you’re the federal government, budget is often a deciding factor in the products and services you purchase. However, we firearms fanatics tend to expand the budget as much as possible.
As more and more legislation is proposed and passed threatening to limit access to both firearms, the price continues to rise.
AK-47s remain less expensive by a few hundred dollars. They typically cost anywhere from $400 – $800.
While AR-15s are as low as $700, many cost well over $1,000, plus all the cool accessories we want to put on them.
The AK-47 is definitely the less expensive firearm.
Neither firearm is banned in the US, but the AR-15 holds a special place in many Americans’ gun safes, at least the Americans who live in gun-friendly states. However, the AK-47 is more popular worldwide.
Visit any gun show in the US, and the AR-15 is more available to the average citizen. Hence it’s often called “America’s Rifle.” But when you leave the US, it’s not as easy to find, especially in developing countries.
So I’ll call this one a draw since neither gun is difficult to find unless you live in an anti-2A state.
How well a gun shoulders and feels is overlooked more often than it should be. If a rifle is ergonomically designed so that when you place the butt of the gun against your shoulder, you already have a solid cheek weld and good sight picture, you’ll be much more accurate with that rifle.
The AR-15 design is much more ergonomic than the AK-47. Manipulating the firearm is a very natural feeling compared to the AK.
The AR-15 takes another point.
While some gun owners love keeping their guns looking like they’ve never been shot, some of us actually use them. While I’ve never been in combat, I’m pretty rough on my gear while hunting, so having a gun that can withstand the abuses I put it through is very important to me. Not to mention a broken firearm isn’t any better than a rock in a combat situation.
I’ve watched many firearms torture tests on the AK-47 and AR-15, and the AK-47 always comes out on top.
The AK-47 is more durable and gets this point thanks to its solid yet simplistic design.
Rate of Fire
The last factor, which the average shooter rarely concerns themselves with, is the rate of fire. How fast will the gun shoot?
The cyclic rate of an AK is slower than an AR. An AR-15 can fire 200 rounds per minute more than the AK-47.
This is incredible if you’re the one who isn’t buying all the 5.56 x 45mm ammo! The AR-15 gets the last point in our comparison.
Parting Shots
For those that have been keeping up with the points, the AR-15 is the clear winner with six total points over the AK-47 with three points.
However, don’t count the AK-47 out! It’s stuck around for over half a century because it’s so dang durable and reliable.
Thanks to its accuracy and incredible design, let’s give credit where credit is due; the AR-15 is the winner of our comprehensive AR-15 vs. AK-47 comparison.