Egypt unveils RAAD 200 multiple rocket launcher system at EDEX 2023

The RAAD 200 is the result of a collaboration between the National Organisation for Military Production (NOMP) and the Arab Organisation for Industrialisation (AOI),

Egypt has showcased its latest development in the field of multiple rocket launchers at the Egypt Defence Expo (EDEX) 2023, which took place in Cairo from December 4 to 7. The RAAD 200 is a new tracked system that is nearly wholly made in Egypt and offers improved accuracy, speed and mobility compared to the existing 122 mm launchers in service with the Egyptian Army.

The RAAD 200 is the result of a collaboration between the National Organisation for Military Production (NOMP) and the Arab Organisation for Industrialisation (AOI), two state-owned defence companies that operate 18 and 12 factories respectively. The NOMP is responsible for the chassis and the cabin of the system, while the AOI provides the rockets and the launcher.

The chassis of the RAAD 200 is based on a German design, but is produced locally at the Factory 200, which gives the name to the system. It has a 6-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine with a 385 hp output, a mechanical transmission with five forward and one reverse gears, and steel tracks with torsion bar suspensions and shock absorbers. The chassis can reach a maximum speed of 46 km/h, climb a 35° gradient, move on a 25° side slope, and ford up to 1.1 metres of water. The range at cruise speed is 350 km.

The cabin of the RAAD 200 is located at the front of the chassis and can accommodate up to three crew members: the driver and two operators. The cabin is accessed via two side doors and provides a basic protection to the occupants. The cabin is equipped with an electronic fire control system that allows the operators to lay and fire the rockets automatically, based on the inputs from the navigation and targeting systems. The automatic mode increases the accuracy and reduces the time of the fire mission, compared to the manual backup mode.

The launcher of the RAAD 200 is mounted on the rear of the chassis and is produced at the Factory 999. It consists of 30 tubes arranged in three rows of 10 each, and can fire 122 mm Grad/Sakr rockets with a maximum range of 45 km. The launcher can elevate up to 55° and traverse 60° right and 100° left. The rockets are produced by the AOI, which at EDEX 2023 unveiled the new Sakr Thermobaric rocket, with a 6-20 km operational range and an 18.45 kg warhead. The AOI also produces the Sakr-18 and Sakr-45 rockets, with ranges of 18 and 45 km respectively.

The RAAD 200 is the first prototype of the system and has already undergone testing by the Egyptian Army. According to NOMP representatives, the company is awaiting a contract from the national customer. The RAAD 200 is expected to enhance the firepower and mobility of the Egyptian artillery units and provide them with a modern and reliable system that is mostly produced in Egypt.

Egypt is counting on defence exhibitions to sell it’s home-made products. Egyptian defence companies are relying on defence exhibitions and show to corral potential customers into taking an interest in their products. The Egyptian government’s plan is to export Egyptian weapons to African and Middle Eastern countries in order to further extend Egyptian influence in the continent

In recent years, Egypt has taken significant steps to modernize and upgrade its military capabilities. One area of focus has been the enhancement of its artillery, which plays a crucial role in both defensive and offensive operations.

Elstwhile, Egypt’s military factory 200 has spearheaded these efforts by initiating modifications and upgrades to two of its aging artillery systems: the M46-1M 130mm towed field gun and the D-30 122mm towed howitzer.

Egypt’s military factory 200 has upgraded the M46-1M 130mm towed field gun by installing the cannon on modified armored Kraz 6322 6×6 heavy-duty truck chassis, thereby turning it onto a mobile artillery system.

Also, Egypt Army has inducted the the 155mm K9 self-propelled howitzer into active service. Egypt’s military-owned Arab International Optronics Company had previously signed a Technology Transfer (TOT) agreement with Hanwha Defense Group, enabling local production of the Automatic Fire Control System (FCS) and other electronic components for the K9A1 Self-propelled Howitzer. This agreement is expected to allow Egypt to manufacture nearly 70% of the artillery system components locally within five years, commencing production in 2023. The South Korean Hanwha Defense Group also played a pivotal role in a $1.7 billion contract signed in February for the procurement and technology transfer of the K9A1 artillery system.

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