Benin Armed Forces receiving Russian arms

The Benin Armed Force (FAB) is currently receiving a number of weapons and ammunition from Russia.

The arms and trade agreement between both countries was signed in October 2010. According to a news report by Interfax-AVN news agency on 15 August, the weapons includes manportable air defence launchers, manportable anti-tank rocket launchers, handheld anti-tank grenade launchers, and infantry flamethrowers

Although the report didn’t specify the actual number or type of ammunition being delivered. However, it did quote the agreement as saying that, “The Russian side has the right to monitor Benin’s fulfilment of its commitments on the targeted use of manportable air defence launchers, manportable anti-tank rocket launchers, handheld anti-tank grenade launchers, and infantry flamethrowers supplied to Benin by Russia.”

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